My current investigation focuses on elucidating the unknown mechanisms by which alkannin, a biocompound commonly used in herbal medicine, reduces and prevents protein aggregation in protein conformational diseases by using C. elegans as model organism.
I am currently investigating the effects of gentamicin, a broad-spectrum antibiotic, in C. elegans models. My goal is to identify the molecular mechanism by which gentamicin increases polyglutamine aggregation in the intestine of C. elegans, and to determine its overall neurodegenerative effects in the host.
Currently, I am investigating the effects of the gut microbiome on neurodegenerstive diseases. Specifically, I am measuring the effects of increasing/decreasing the concentrations of various bacteria on protein aggregation in C. elegans. I am also investigating the effects of other SCFA, besides butyrate, on protein aggregation. Lastly, I would like to research into the effects of beta lactam antibiotics on the gut microbiome and the progression of neurodegeneration and the status of the gut microbiome of C. elegans as they age.